
Every project starts with a data investigation. We want to understand the customer experience thoroughly to ensure our conclusions are customer-focussed. Then we can accurately decide on project goals, plans and outcomes.

We act as an extension of your existing teams, utilising in-house resource wherever possible. 


  • Create a new content management system and migrate 1.7K editorial articles
  • New events process integrating Eventbrite API 
  • New store pages and store finder UX
  • BloomReach


  • Used agile product owner skills to work between the business, BloomReach and third party development agency
  • Provided hands on content migration support
  • UAT


  • Published new CMS
  • Creation of events automated in Eventbrite
  • Delivered new stores pages and store finder UX


  • Third party development agency was unable to support the Magento 2 development road map
  • Magento 2 WordPress hybrid


  • Identified agencies who were able to deliver changes to a WordPress/Magento 2 hybrid site
  • Coordinated web move
  • Defined a progressive website backlog


  • Successful site migration
  • Ongoing project delivering payment gateways


  • Low conversion being driven by site speed and poor UX
  • Magento 2


  • Recategorized website taxonomy
  • Designed new header navigation and mobile burger menu
  •  Audited and updated thousands of 301s
  • Identified and coordinated removal of heavy scripts on key pages
  • Conversion optimisation re design of product pages


  • Increased site speed
  • Increased conversion
  • Increased “Add to Basket” rate


  • Build an entry-level website to test the demand for electric scooters in the UK


  • Defined and managed Shopify website build
  • Added and configured applications which provided user insight


  • Transactional website within 5 weeks
  • Defined 12 month to support European growth
  • Due diligence for design development agency


  • Project-manage new website build
  • Magento 2


  • Design website taxonomy
  • Design content strategy for helpful content and service content
  • Migrate content catalogue
  • Integrate new payment gateways including credit services


  • New website
  • Increased conversion
  • Defined 12 month road map

Client Testimonials

Find out how we can turn the tide on your ecommerce projects

Turn The Tide Ecommerce have enhanced their client’s digital landscape, increasing revenue and conversion through a diverse mix of solutions.

 Our consultations are free, so get in touch!

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